Brick House In The News

You can read more about the Brick House’s founding members and our mission here, here and here.
The New York Times
Brick House includes some existing publications, among them the “alt-global” online magazine edited by Ms. Bustillos, Popula, and the investigative news site Sludge. It will add a comics site, Awry; a site focused on faith and spirituality, Preachy; and the Africa-centric OlongoAfrica, among others.
The Nation
People still wanted to read the writing, but the circulatory system of money that had made the writing possible was punctured and bleeding out, and draining into Silicon Valley.
Columbia Journalism Review
But journalism isn’t a zero-sum game to be won; it’s a public trust. A community of journalists looking out for each other, committed to the strength and vigor of the profession before their own individual careers, will be stronger in every way—better at producing stories that matter, better in business, better at serving the public.
Bloomberg’s Odd Lots podcast
We’ve put together this novel business model … we’ve got to make something that can’t just be blown down by outside forces.
Current Affairs podcast
Nathan and Allegra speak to Maria Bustillos and Jason Adam Katzenstein about their plans for this fantastic new project and what YOU can do to help!
Cory Doctorow’s Pluralistic
The co-op promises to be structured with ‘no owners, no executives, and no investors, only cooperative members holding shares in common; shares can’t be sold or transferred.’
Knight Foundation
Newer examples include the Brick House Cooperative, launched recently with nine participating publications born from the ashes of the failed Civil blockchain startup. While it’s a mix of local and topical publications, from Sludge to FAQ NYC, Brick House lets each member publication buy one share for $1, which can only be sold back to the cooperative. There are no ads and the business model relies on monthly or annual subscriptions, which run $7 per month or $75 per year for access to all publications.
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