Donald Shaw

Oil and Gas Groups Use Facebook to Fight Climate Measures


Oil and gas lobbying groups are reaching new highs in their Facebook ad spending as they organize people across the country to lobby their senators and representatives against climate and tax provisions in the Democrats’ reconciliation bill.  Since August 11, when the Senate passed a resolution authorizing itself to fast-track a reconciliation bill, the American […]

From Sludge
On September 30, 2021

Neal’s Reconciliation Plan Lets Investment Managers Keep Their Tax Loophole


In 2007, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) was an original cosponsor of a bill that would have closed a tax loophole that lets investment fund managers pay the lower capital gains tax rates on the income they earn from the fees they charge their clients. The capital gains tax rates […]

From Sludge
On September 14, 2021

AT&T Is the Top Corporate Donor to the Texas Abortion Ban Co-Authors


This week, a Texas bill took effect that bans physicians from performing or inducing an abortion if a fetal heartbeat can be detected, something that typically occurs about six weeks after conception. There is an exception for medical emergencies, but no exceptions for women who have been raped or are victims of incest.  Most women […]

From Sludge
On September 2, 2021

Cattle Rancher Cynthia Lummis Wants to Deregulate Meat Inspection


Earlier this year, Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) became an original co-sponsor on a bill to declare that meat and poultry from all state-inspected slaughterhouses can be shipped throughout the country to be sold by grocery stores. Under current law, only meat and poultry from federally-inspected plants and facilities in a handful of states whose inspection […]

From Sludge
On August 24, 2021

Despite Claiming to Divest, Ro Khanna’s Wife Held Onto Some Defense Stocks


In December 2020, Ritu Khanna, the wife of Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), divested from several weapons companies after Sludge published an article revealing that her fortune included defense contractor stocks worth as much as $376,000. The stock sales were celebrated by the anti-war group Code Pink, which had run a campaign calling on Khanna to […]

From Sludge
On August 19, 2021

The Roadblocks to Banning Congress From Trading Stocks


It’s no shock that most members of Congress, over half of whom are millionaires, don’t want to stop themselves and their spouses from being allowed to trade corporate stocks and derivatives while they hold public office. Just 8 percent of the House and 3 percent of the Senate are co-sponsoring bills to ban congressional stock […]

From Sludge
On August 12, 2021

Pro-Israel Super PAC Prevails in Ohio Primary


Democratic establishment favorite Shontel Brown defeated progressive Nina Turner and several other candidates in a Democratic Ohio special election primary on Tuesday night, virtually guaranteeing her a seat in Congress. Brown received 37,666 votes, while 33,420 people cast their ballots for Turner.  Turner, a former delegate to presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, raised more than twice […]

From Sludge
On August 4, 2021

Committee Asking for More War Ships Is Led by a General Dynamics-Funded Rep


Chairman Joe Courtney has received $237,000 from General Dynamics' PAC and employees over his House career.

From Sludge
On July 29, 2021

The DCCC’s Top Bundler Is an Oil Lobbyist


Saving the planet from a climate change tipping point that will trigger social collapse and widespread human death from fires, floods, and starvation requires urgent global action. Oil companies are not going to voluntarily stop extracting and burning fossil fuels for profit, so it’s up to politicians and regulators to step in and stop them.  […]

From Sludge
On July 22, 2021

Altria’s PAC Reports First Donation to an Election Results Objector


Several companies that said they were indefinitely pausing their PAC donations after January 6 are confronting the reality of wanting to help re-elect pro-business allies to Congress and are back to supporting Republicans who objected to certifying 2020 presidential election results.  Of the six senators who voted in favor of sustaining Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) […]

From Sludge
On July 15, 2021

Paul Pelosi Invests in Alphabet as Congress Weighs Breaking Up Big Tech

by and

Days before the House of Representatives took its first votes on legislation to break up big technology companies, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi exercised a call option and bought 4,000 shares of stock in Google parent Alphabet, worth nearly $5 million.  The Alphabet investment was disclosed this morning in a periodic transaction report […]

From Sludge
On July 6, 2021

Feigning Shock Over Lobbyist Comments, ExxonMobil Continues Funding Climate Denial Groups


ExxonMobil CEO and chairman Darren Woods said yesterday he was “shocked” that one of the company’s lobbyists was caught in a Greenpeace sting video saying that the company is being disingenuous when it publicly claims to support policies like a carbon tax to address climate change.

From Sludge
On July 1, 2021

Koch Industries Is the Top Corporate PAC Donor to the ‘Sedition Caucus’ Since Jan. 6


Despite Charles Koch's rebrand as a bridge builder, his company's PAC keeps supporting 2020 presidential election result objectors.

From Sludge
On June 24, 2021