U.S. Senate

Democrats’ Budget Plan Would Cost Only Half of One Percent of GDP


The Biden admin's $3.5 trillion spending plan over ten years would have a net cost of $1-1.75 trillion, budget groups say, far less than the Trump tax cuts of 2017.

From Sludge
On September 9, 2021

General Electric Gets Billions in Defense Contracts While Reps Hold Its Stock


Texas Republican Michael McCaul owned up to $6 million in G.E. shares as he sits on the Foreign Affairs and Homeland Security Committees.

From Sludge
On August 25, 2021

Joe Manchin Backed Filibuster Reform A Decade Ago. What Changed?


Manchin said the rules change would ensure "the views of regular Americans are better represented in the Senate."

From Sludge
On February 2, 2021