Non-Binary Taiwanese Drag King Stars In Netflix’s Midnight Asia
From buzzy soap operas and historical dramas to award-winning films, programming centered on Taiwan continues to proliferate across Netflix. The latest entry: an episode of “Midnight Asia,” a six-part docuseries by InFocus Asia celebrating the diverse nightlife found in Asian metropolises, such as Seoul, Mumbai, Tokyo, Manila and Bangkok.
On the radio I heard a Ukrainian MP talking about being a mom right now. "My daughter asked me to promise I would take care fo her first, before anything else."
Paid in Full
The great Ben Max rejoins Chrissy, Katie and Harry to talk about Eric A’s first trip to Albany, “fish-gate,” and much more.
African Football Under the Western Gaze
The Western gaze comes from the idea that Eurocentrism influences the way we (Africans) are perceived, the way we think, and how we in turn see ourselves.
Big Business PACs Gave Millions to Dem Party as Biden Agenda Collapsed
The PACs of Business Roundtable member companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and NextEra Energy donated millions to the DCCC and DSCC last year.
Biden Boosts Gas Exports, Profiting Reps With Pipeline Stocks
Lawmakers purchased stock in gas and oil pipeline companies last year as the U.S. became the world's top exporter of liquid natural gas.
The Role of Sex Workers in Religion
Present day sex workers are devalued, abused and oppressed. But prostitution is one of the oldest professions, even featured in The New Testament as Jesus is condemned for mixing with female "sinners."
Family Affair
He belongs to a generation of Nigerian men raised to be strong, silent, and hopelessly incapable of accepting complicity even in the face of clear damage. The patriarchy is alive in him indeed.
Beatty and Gottheimer Funnel Private Equity Donations Through Pop-up Committee
The reps had campaigned to overturn a Trump-era tax hike on the wealthiest Americans.
Boom Times: Paul Krugman and the Little People
The last time there was a world-altering tech revolution, Nobel prizewinning economist and NYT columnist Paul Krugman got it wildly, comically wrong. In 1998, he famously predicted that by 2005 it would be clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy would be trivial. The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw […]
An Island Apart
Graham Rayman of the Daily News runs down the slow-motion disaster at the city’s jails, and map maestro Steve Romalewski breaks down the new maps Albany’s Democratic majority just drew up.