Finding religious tolerance on Twitter
It is difficult to come across atheists in Nigeria. In a country where hope seems perpetually lost in the fog of corruption and chaos; where you’d often hear tales of humans flying at night or morphing into animals and yams, it makes sense that the average Nigerian hangs onto the comfort of believing that there’s a supreme being watching over us.
Acts of Kindness at Fayetteville State University
a visiting scholar from Nigeria confronts racial hierarchies in the US
Among the Sinners
The doctors tell my mum that the lump is nothing — a benign cyst that will be removed through a simple surgery. But prayer, myth, and tradition are insurance against all we cannot know and Nanna sends a donation and a letter to the monastery of her favorite saint: Saint Rita.
A Tale of Two May 4ths
For what it’s worth, probably more people the world over have heard of Star Wars than they have the May 4th Movement. But the May 4th Movement was a truly world-historic event, as one of the seminal moments in the founding of modern China.
Scheming for Moderna in the Black Heart of Budapest: An Ex-pat’s Vax Adventure
If I’ve learned anything this past year, living in a somewhat unstable foreign country during a vicious global pandemic, it’s to stay away from vaccines that sound like Captain Beefheart album titles.
An Unwanted Two-Spirit
There was no place like home, one’s home, one’s ancestral home, especially when one’s first name was Echezona: “Do not forget.”