
“A Light Never Goes Out” Celebrates Hong Kong’s Iconic Neon Signs


"A Light Never Goes Out" is a spirited look into the craftsmen who build and maintain Hong Kong’s iconic neon signs. Though the film’s plot is somewhat boilerplate, it has beautiful cinematography, and demonstrates a genuine love for its subject

From No Man Is an Island
On December 3, 2022

ME TODAY: “Leave this place and go to Sicily,” he whispered, though there was no one else around.


From Popula
On November 30, 2022

What’s in a Sheet of Paper?


On China's 'white paper revolution'

From No Man Is an Island
On November 29, 2022

Aesthetics and Politics in 2022 Campaigning


This year's election continued much of the same aesthetic tropes as previous elections. As with past years, it was the DPP that focused on aesthetics that could outreach to young people, and maintained the modernist aesthetic that has characterized pan-Green campaign advertising since the Tsai administration took power. While the KMT has significantly modernized its aesthetic in recent years, it is still the DPP that proved the more experimental in election advertising

From No Man Is an Island
On November 25, 2022

ME TODAY: Nobody seems to mind if there is crawling, crying, and running around


By the time breakfast was ready, he was hysterical and I was deranged.

From Popula
On November 23, 2022

Murder, Corruption, and Plagiarism: An Election Cycle Characterized by Scandal


Many races have boiled down to the personalities running for office, rather than their policies.

From No Man Is an Island
On November 23, 2022

Ethiopian Food as Divine Blessing


Some people self-care with a massage or a spa day. Me? I find the nearest Ethiopian restaurant.

From Tasteful Rude
On November 25, 2022

Looking Through Ẹlẹ́ṣin’s Hourglass


Or How to Render Metaphysics in Film

From Olongo Africa
On November 25, 2022

The Body on Canvas


Marlene Dumas at the Venice Biennale.

From Popula
On November 17, 2022

Who Are This Year’s Fringe Candidates in the Taipei Mayoral Race?


The Taipei mayoral race saw twelve candidates this year. The three serious candidates are, of course, Chen Shih-chung of the DPP, Chiang Wan-an of the KMT, and Vivian Huang of the TPP. It remains unclear as to which of them may win, with a tight three-way race anticipated. At the same time, as the nation’s capital, Taipei often attracts a number of fringe mayoral candidates. This was no different this year, with the views of these candidates on display at the four-hour policy platform held by the Central Election Commission, in which all of the candidates were given thirty minutes to express their views

From No Man Is an Island
On November 18, 2022

Reflections in the Witch’s Eye


My atheism turned into agnosticism not by reading a religious text or visiting a holy temple, but by watching a YouTube video of Carl Sagan explaining the fourth dimension.

From Popula
On November 16, 2022

Big of Ego, Sensitive of Eyes


To a generation of Nigerians, the character Àjàlá might as well be an urban legend.

From Olongo Africa
On November 16, 2022

Twitter Is a Transnational Company


Musk has tried to ingratiate himself with authoritarians the world over.

From Popula
On November 10, 2022