Mediaquake: What Alternative Idea Is Big Enough to Take On Big Tech?
Q&A with James Muldoon
Big Money Media is Older than You Think
A Q&A with Victor Pickard, University of Pennsyvania
Review: Drifting Paris
What now that capitalism has learned to embrace, eat, and digest attempts at subversion and criticism to the point that anti-capitalism becomes a vital force for capital?
Loss For Words: A Meditation on the Ubiquity of Bizarre Corporate Language
An entire, incredibly lucrative subsection of San Francisco was obsessed with its own specialness, obsessed with its own branding, obsessed with rhizomatically repopulating the place with the wealthy and the connected and the well-named and the delicious and the glossy and the expensive and the beautifully off-kilter and the minimalist and the carefully plated and the monetized history and sun sliding down over the ocean and the fig trees.
The Crass Commodification of Black Pain
We can’t ignore the fact that solidarity-as-capitalism silences the Black voices most oppressed.