Africans trying to exit Ukraine battle racism
Thousands of Africans from countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Somalia and other countries languish under the disproportionate cold of eastern Europe as they wait at transit points and the border.
Barter Because it’s 1945 And the Allies put a war horse over a west African infantryman, A boy is traded for a horse.
Acts of Kindness at Fayetteville State University
a visiting scholar from Nigeria confronts racial hierarchies in the US
But You Don’t Look Asian: On Being Entitled to Pain
Who deserves to feel the pain of anti-Asian violence? Who deserves to take up space with their rage? As a mixed-race person, am I allowed to be here? Do I belong?
Safety Is Always Conditional
The expats who fled Kenya in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis showed us where their true loyalty lies.