WE PRESENT A selection of recipes for anachronistic but entirely executable sandwiches, found in Recipes of the Woman’s Club of San Mateo, copyright 1909, by the Woman’s Club of San Mateo, compiled by May Robinson Thomas, Dietitian, now in the public domain for the delectation of all.
Meats should be cooked until very tender for sandwiches; when sliced, the meat should be cut across the grain and as thin as possible; a filling of chopped corned-beef or ham is improved by the addition of mustard; use Worcestershire or horseradish sauce with roast beef or tongue; chopped capers, tomato sauce, catsup, or mint sauce combine well with lamb; season chicken or veal with celery salt, and fish with lemon juice.
Chopped meat or fish may be mixed with salad dressings or any well-prepared dressing; chopped celery, cress, cucumbers, tomatoes, or olives may be used with meat and dressing; lettuce leaves are usually served whole, the edges barely showing outside the sandwiches; fruits may be used for filling and moistened with fresh fruit juice; the dried fruits should be chopped and stewed.
Scented sandwiches are prepared by wrapping the butter to be used in a napkin and keeping it over night on beds of either violets, fragrant rose petals, clover blossoms, or nasturtiums in a closely covered jar.
Fresh fruit sandwiches are nice made with thin water wafers.
3 Breakfast cheeses
Cream the cheese with melted butter; add a little juice from the pimento; cut all the crusts from a loaf of bread and cut in lengthwise slices about one-third of an inch thick; butter and spread with cheese; then put three lengthwise strips of pimentos, and then two on the next slice and so on until the loaf of bread is used; let stand and cut, just before serving, like a loaf cake.
—Mrs. Julia Donnelly
1 can chopped pimentos
Sweet or sour pickles chopped fine
4 or 5 hard-cooked eggs
Mix the chopped pimentos, hard-cooked eggs, pickles together with mayonnaise, and spread on thin slices of bread.
—Mrs. Bonner
1 box best sardines (boned)
1 teaspoon vinegar
1 small onion
Chop together the sardines and onion; stir into this the vinegar and spread on thin slices of buttered bread; cut in any shape desired.
—Mrs. A.G.U.
If you decide to prepare and enjoy one of the above items, kindly send a picture to us at hmmweekly@hmmweekly.com.