
Aesthetics and Politics in 2022 Campaigning


This year's election continued much of the same aesthetic tropes as previous elections. As with past years, it was the DPP that focused on aesthetics that could outreach to young people, and maintained the modernist aesthetic that has characterized pan-Green campaign advertising since the Tsai administration took power. While the KMT has significantly modernized its aesthetic in recent years, it is still the DPP that proved the more experimental in election advertising

From No Man Is an Island
On November 25, 2022

Murder, Corruption, and Plagiarism: An Election Cycle Characterized by Scandal


Many races have boiled down to the personalities running for office, rather than their policies.

From No Man Is an Island
On November 23, 2022

Who Are This Year’s Fringe Candidates in the Taipei Mayoral Race?


The Taipei mayoral race saw twelve candidates this year. The three serious candidates are, of course, Chen Shih-chung of the DPP, Chiang Wan-an of the KMT, and Vivian Huang of the TPP. It remains unclear as to which of them may win, with a tight three-way race anticipated. At the same time, as the nation’s capital, Taipei often attracts a number of fringe mayoral candidates. This was no different this year, with the views of these candidates on display at the four-hour policy platform held by the Central Election Commission, in which all of the candidates were given thirty minutes to express their views

From No Man Is an Island
On November 18, 2022

Twitter Is a Transnational Company


Musk has tried to ingratiate himself with authoritarians the world over.

From Popula
On November 10, 2022

Of Couches and Class Rage


no such thing as a free couch

From Popula
On September 14, 2022

The Politics of Food and the Pelosi Visit


Although most discussion of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan has been about geopolitical implications, a bizarre undertext to the visit were the times food came up as part of political attacks.

From No Man Is an Island
On August 10, 2022

Uh No, Things Are Perfectly Chill in Taiwan


People need to hear about Taiwanese perspectives

From Popula
On August 3, 2022

Now is the Age of Dictator Failsons in Asia Pacific


The children of dictators often attempt to evoke nostalgia for the good old days.

From Popula
On July 25, 2022



Taiwan’s Ecological History as Performance: The Collection of Time in the Polymer Age

From No Man Is an Island
On July 19, 2022

What Would “Cultural Sovereignty” Mean for Taiwan in an Age of Digital Media?


Minister of Culture Lee Yung-te made comments at the recent National Culture Congress earlier this month that might strike as somewhat unusual.

From No Man Is an Island
On June 22, 2022

The Journey Matters: A Conversation About Earthfest


Brian Hioe spoke to Blaine Whiteley about Earthfest, which will take place in Miaoli from July 21st through July 24th.

From No Man Is an Island
On June 11, 2022

Taiwan Reliant on Voluntary Measures to Contain COVID-19


As COVID-19 spreads throughout Taiwan as part of the current outbreak, what may be particularly of note is the degree to which the outbreak has interfaced with personal behavior.

From No Man Is an Island
On May 28, 2022

Sticking the Landing of the Pandemic in Taiwan


Moving past COVID-zero into a safer future.

From Popula
On May 25, 2022